Today is about giving thanks. I could talk for several days to name everyone of you, to whom I want to say thank you – starting from models, make-up artists, co-workers, friends, family, supporters, fans and most importantly clients, because, let’s be honest… – without you guys this would never work.
As we are turning 4 years already this December and we are close to 30 000 followers on Instagram,we decided to celebrate it with a giveaway/contest of wishlists. All the good things that happen to me in life, happen, because I wish them and ask for them, so I decided to ask you guys do the same! Share your wishlists with me!
How does it work?
- Follow us on Instagram (@flashyouandme)
- Create a wishlist of your most wanted Flash You and Me lingerie set of up to 4 items. Think of a set, not just random pieces. Choose wisely because you just might get it! You can create a collage of products, share one of our photos, or maybe do something completely different, just remember – only 1 entry per person!
- Be creative! Our team will pick one of the winners based on the originality of the set – maybe it will be something we never thought of putting together.
- Don’t forget to tag us in the photo.
- Add a caption “All I want for Christmas is this @flashyouandme …… ” and let us know which pieces stole your heart!
- Add product names and sizes. Santa has a lot of helpers that might see your wish…
- Use #flashyouandmecontest and post your collage on your Instagram account.
- When we reach the 30K follower mark, we’ll choose 4 WINNERS!!!! One will be chosen randomly, one will be selected by our team, one will be chosen based on the likes they have on their profile and one will be selected based on the X factor of their wishlist presentation (I am not gonna give you hints – surprise me : )
I made a few examples to open up your creative thinking box, but you can make up your own wishlist collage !